Word of the day-brrrrrr
All we can say is brrrr-it is quite chilly outside nowl. This is the perfect time to stay indoors to quilt and shop!
Our wide back sale continues through the end of the month. Save 25% of backing fabrics.
The new Tim Holtz Palette Collection has arrived-Orange. The fabrics are stunning as normal. Stop in for you favorites soon-they go fast.
Wonky Winder
January 23
12:30 - 5 pm
$20 Includes pattern-ruler purchase is additional
Register for Wonky Winder Class
Wonky Waves Runner Class
Feb 12
You have the ruler-let's do another fun project.
Another-Sew(ing) Kind of Wonderful Day A fun mini-workshop day with a focus on Sew Kind of Wonderful designs.You are welcome to work on any project of your choice-I will just be available to assist with these great desgins from Sew Kind of Wonderful. We will once again sew all day with lunch and snacks provided-come join the fun. ******************* Also Educate & Inspire will currently switch to Open Sew Days Join us the third Tuesday of each month for Open Sew Days. The classroom will be open from 10 am - 5 pm for anyone that wants to come sew with friends-both old and new! Also-this day is the perfect time to work on the new Scott Flanagan BOM Field &Furrows We are ready to assist with the first month's portion- and we have more kits available if you would like to join. ************************** Announcing Shop Hop 2025 The All Kansas/Nebraska Shop Hop Dates: April-May Pre-order your magazine/passport now and join the shop hopping fun. Magazines expected to arrive mid-February.
More new Valentine patterns-we have the best selection.
Shop Valentine themed patterns
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