Cyber Monday Specials
We are offering some fantastic deals for Cyber Monday this year. Shop at different times for different specials. These will only be available online! 12 am - 4 am Save 35% off any kit Cotton, wool, felt or specialty fabrics Shop Kits 4 am - 8 am Save 35% off any pattern Shop Patterns 8 am - 12 pm Save an extra 10% of clearance items Shop Clearance 12 pm - 2 pm Save 35% off fabrics Shop Fabrics 2pm -6 pm Save 20% off books Shop Books 6 pm - 12 am Save 25% off panels Shop Panels We will begin shippin this sale on Tuesday-watch for shipping notice and track your package online. Local pickups will be notified when order is ready. The timed sale is a new feature available to us-so keep your fingers crossed that it works as planned. Please note that items must be ordered during stated times to receive discount. We will not make exceptions. |

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